Saturday, March 07, 2009
We bought a Pino!
Since it was 70 degrees today, we decided to take another check ride on the Pino at Mt Airy Bikes. Our goal was to buy the bike at the end of February, since it can take up to 8 weeks for a bike to be delivered from Germany. If we still really loved riding this bike, we were hoping to buy it today.
While we were on the ride we visited with some horses.
We also ran into a couple riding trikes, which look like a ton of fun. They were kind enough to take our photo.
We were very happy with the ride, an decided it was time to buy the bike, so we rode back to the shop. There we spoke with Larry, who has owned three of them. According to him, his wife often sits in the front and reads or knits while they ride. He just kept telling us stories over and over about how much fun they have while they're riding. Once we'd made a deposit, he asked us if we wanted to take it for a spin tomorrow. Since the weather looked like it was going to be beautiful, we eagerly said yes and agreed to call later.
Then we went home and I took a nap. It was wonderful.
Around 5 we called to say we were going to be taking the bike a ride tomorrow and that we'd be by in the morning to pick it up. But it seems we were mistaken - the shop is closed on Sundays and we needed to pick it up right then. However, we were still very confused. Although everything makes perfect sense now, we had originally though we were just going to be making a final check ride to make sure we liked the boom positioning and such. It was only as a last minute thought that I threw the bike rack into my car, just in case. I know this makes us seem kind of silly - but we almost drove all the way out there only to not have any way to transport the bike.
So we drove the Pino home. I'm still amazed that he was trusting us, with just a check as a deposit, to take a very expensive bike home. When we got home, I pulled into the alleyway when Jillian yelled "STOP!". The bike sits a full foot wider than my car on both sides. There was no way it was going to fit down the alley.
We made David come out back and ride the bike for a few minutes. Jillian captured this gem:
Hopefully I don't look like that when Jillian is in the back. David and I are hoping to take the Pino on a one day tour of the entire C&O Canal Trail in a month. We're going to need a lot more riding practice.
Thank you so very much to everyone who has contributed to our Bike Fund. So far (although it's only been a few hours), we're incredibly happy with our purchase. We'll definitely bring it up later this spring so you can give it a try.
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